Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Reflections

We baptized 7 people today! God is good! We are baptizing again this Sunday! Everyone seemed to be real receptive to the first sermon of the series called The Table. The Zion quartet did a wonderful job in our evening service...they do leave you hungering for more.

I can't wait till next Sunday!

Confessions of a Pastor

10 things I need to do...

No certain order....

10. Tell and show my wife that she is the love of my life.

9. Do my part with helping with household chores.

8. Call my parents tell them I love them.

7. Spend time in God's Word

6. Go in my room and close the door and pray to my Father in heaven.

5. Take time to look after my spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and social well being.

4. Read a good book that has nothing to do with religion.

3. Spend time with a about everything except church.

2. Play with my dogs...who are my kids.

1. Do something that I love to do

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Always Room at the Table

Upcoming Sermon Series! Begins March 30th

I love food, don’t you? Baptists are known for loving to eat! And eating around the dinner table with family and friends is the inspiration for the upcoming series. I’ve entitled it simply, “The Table.” As we uniquely relate different aspects of eatinga special meal to our purpose as Christ-followers, I believe we will be reminded in a powerful way that there’s always room at the table.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

God Moved....

The children were great...the youth was fantastic..the choir and special music was perfect........BUT GOD was SPECTACULAR!

Lives were changed...souls were saved...& next week we will have a HUGE Baptism with many people getting baptized!

God moved in a powerful way in our service...if you were not there you have to get a tape!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Tomorrow

As I sit in my office at 5:50 pm on Saturday night. I am just so burdened by tomorrow's service. Easter is huge - it is everything! I sit here in go over my notes for tomorrow and I just need God's people to pray for me and for the service! Please be in prayer for our Easter Service tomorrow!

Pray with passion!
God hears our prayers and beg you to pray on our behalf that the King of Kings will fill His glory in our church - that the Spirit of God will dwell amongst us!

Pray with urgency!
I cry out to you that you will pray as if there is no tomorrow, pray right now, where ever you are!

Pray with desperation!
Please pray with a sense that you want to crack the very walls of heaven so that God will be so moved by your prayers. Pray that the gates of hell will be pushed back by the harvest of souls!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Focus on The Simple Things

What should a church focus on?

1. Worship
2. Small Groups
3. Missions
4. Emphasizing Spiritual Disciplines

These next two are essential once the church is doing the previous four well or excellent
5. Children Ministry
6. Youth Ministry

The problem is that too many churches are going in 50 different directions with no goal in mind. We see in Acts 2 the founding of the early church and the early church was united in purpose and united in the process, which were the first four. Loving God through Worship, Loving people through vibrant relationships in small groups and ministering and sharing each other burdens, and witnessing to those around as they sought to save the world.

As you look at verses 44-47 in Acts 2, you see the people worshipping in large groups in the temple, enjoying fellowship and studying together in small groups (they met in homes which were 2 to 3 room buildings and were very small) and they grew in number because they showed that they loved one another.

Churches need to get back to the basics and see the big picture.