Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Prayer - First Step

How do you pray?

Most prayers are like mine....help me, bless me, keep me, lead me, strengthen me, oh yeah take care of my family, but mostly me..me...me. What if we went our whole adult life and missed the point of prayer?

In Matthew 6, the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray! These men were good Jewish boys they had been praying all their life...why did they need to be taught? Because maybe they had done wrong. Could be they had went their whole life and missed the point of prayer?

What is the point of prayer? What if prayer was not about my needs and wishes? What if we prayed all our life and missed...Him.

In Matthew 6, Jesus said the FIRST step in learning to pray...is to go in your room and close the door. Location is important. Jesus said if you want to take the next step in prayer, and really learn what prayer is all about than go in your room and close the door. We also learned this passage that Prayer is not about HOW you say it, or HOW WELL you said it...prayers are not about being eloquent. It also does not matter how long you pray. And here is the major issue...this is key...Jesus said that he already knows what we need before we ask.

So if I go in my room and close the door and He already knows what I need, than what am I supposed to say in there? If you are thinking that, than you are ready to truly understand what prayer is all about.

  • Go in your room and close the door.
  • Don't worry about how eloquent your words are.
  • It does not matter how long or how short your prayer are.
  • Don't worry about telling God what you need, He already knows.

Next time....will talk about how to pray! What do you say behind close doors to God?

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