Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Tomorrow

As I sit in my office at 5:50 pm on Saturday night. I am just so burdened by tomorrow's service. Easter is huge - it is everything! I sit here in go over my notes for tomorrow and I just need God's people to pray for me and for the service! Please be in prayer for our Easter Service tomorrow!

Pray with passion!
God hears our prayers and beg you to pray on our behalf that the King of Kings will fill His glory in our church - that the Spirit of God will dwell amongst us!

Pray with urgency!
I cry out to you that you will pray as if there is no tomorrow, pray right now, where ever you are!

Pray with desperation!
Please pray with a sense that you want to crack the very walls of heaven so that God will be so moved by your prayers. Pray that the gates of hell will be pushed back by the harvest of souls!


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