Friday, May 2, 2008

5 Thoughts for Friday

1. We are about to do a new series calles the Affair. It is a sensitive subject and a subject that has plagued our marriages like a terminal cancer. How does the church respond? It is silent. That is scary! Especially knowing all the staff of churches that has fallen to it.

2. I am still pumped when I think how well our LifeChange event went. We had over 175 in attendance! I was so proud of our volunteers who worked so hard for this event!

3. My wife has fallen in love with Bethel! She absolutely loves our people and the community of Oakway. I have the best wife!

4. Last night I met with two pastors and two deacons who are friends of mine and had a guys night out. IT WAS GREAT! Note to David I need to do that more often.

5. Have you ever wished that you could stop the sun like God sis in the Old Testament so that you could have more time with the ones you love. I know I do. Just a thought.

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