Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jerry Vines John 3:16 Conference

The conference was held at Johnny Hunt's church in Woodstock Georgia. The emphais of the conference was to respond to the Calvinist movement in the Southern Baptist Convention.

Dr. Johnny Hunt - Opening Message
Dr. Jerry Vines - John 3:16
Dr. Paige Patterson - Total Depravity
Dr. Richard Land - Unconditional Election
Dr. David Allen - Limited Atonement
Dr. Steve Lemke - Irresistible Grace
Dr. Ken Keathley - Perseverance of the Saints
Dr. Charles Stanley - John 3:16 to the Entire World

The conference concluded with a time of questions and answers from the floor.

I found the conference to be very fair and unbiased in its doctrine and approach. The speakers did a wonderful job in presenting their views in a historical and biblical framework. I do not believe that Calvinists can or should critize the conference. I do wish Paige Patterson had done a better job in presenting the optional views of Total Depravity. There are some problems that I have with the view and some at the conference would agree with my position that Paige appeared to go along with Calvinists view on Total Depravity.

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