Saturday, February 14, 2009

Perry Noble

Dear friends, please read this and let me know your thoughts. I would like to know. I will let you know what I think soon.

Perry Noble dot com

Seven Things We Allow To Guide Us At NewSpring–Part Four

Posted: 09 Feb 2009 05:08 AM CST

Continuing the series from last week…

#4 - We Don’t Have A Lot Of Religious Professionals On Staff.

As I read about Jesus in the Gospels I keep seeing that when He was assembling His team that was going to change the world…He didn’t call religious professionals but rather men who were willing to simply walk with Him one day at a time.

The team that I serve with…really…we’re just a bunch of ordinary men and women who are desperately trying to walk with Jesus. We don’t have all the answers…we are not perfect…and we aren’t ashamed to admit it.

I remember reading and add for a staff position at a church once that read something like this…

Senior Pastor Wanted…qualifications…

  • Must be a seminary graduate
  • Must be married
  • Must have at least 10 years experience in the ministry

STOP!!! Based on those three qualifications–JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF would not be qualified to serve as the pastor of that church. DANG…when your qualifications disqualify Jesus to lead I would say you may have some serious problems!

Acts 4:13 says the Apostles were unschooled, ordinary men who had been with Jesus…and THOSE are the guys He used to change the world.

The question we should ask when hiring someone isn’t, “Do they match all of our qualifications,” but rather, “is this who Jesus wants to have this position in our church?” I’ve seen churches MISS incredible opportunities to hire someone simply because of man made rules…sad!

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