Monday, July 2, 2007

"True" Church Discipleship

Most Christians are only going to give three hours a week to the church! How are churches maximizing those three house to make disciples? What should they be doing?

Here is my idea.

If a person will only give 3 hours than those 3 hours should be as the following:

  • 1 hour to actively participate in worship
  • 1 hour to actively participate in a small group Bible study fellowship
  • 1 hour a week actively participating in missions

There needs to be a process in place that progresses people in their spiritual walk. Thom Rainer in his book Simple Church he nails the problem! Churches have become too complex and many have no process in which to disciple people.

At Bethel we use the idea in Simple Church, which is "Loving God, Loving People, & Saving the World!", Loving God is worship, Loving people is a small group Bible Study Fellowship, and Saving the World! is the mission program.

Simple. If people are only going to give me 3 hours a week than I believe this where I want them spending their time.

Simple. It has progression. It makes disciples!

What is your idea? Share with my your opinion and ideas on how to better facilitate discipleship and growth in our churches.

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