Friday, September 12, 2008

Going to New Levels with God!

Session 1 with Richard Blackaby. Some Highlights!
  • Text: John 14:8-9 - The story where Phillip asks Jesus to show him the Father - Check the passage out!!!
  • It is not about how long you been with God, but how deep is your relationship with God! (There are so many Christians who have been like Phillip and have walked with God for a long time and yet you see not depth!)
  • (Speaking to a room of pastors) You can not give to people what you don't have. You cannot lead where you haven't been. (So many pastors and myself included - its hard to get people to grow deeper in than Lord if their shepherd is not! Wow...very convicting!
  • As Christians we get too far satisfied with our current relationship with Christ. (Isn't that the truth!)
  • Don't you just being around Christians who you KNOW HAVE WALKED WITH GOD!!! I know I do!
  • How deep is our prayers....or has our prayer life gotten so superficial where we pray the same thing every day?
  • "Some Christians are still riding the kiddie rides and wont take the chance to get on the Rollar Coaster, but once they experience the power of the Rollar Coaster they won't go back to the kiddie ride! Christians who have grown deeper in their walk with God have experienced the majestic power of God and will not be satisfied with a kiddie ride experience with God.

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