Friday, September 12, 2008

Putting a Face on Grace

Here are some thoughts and insights from Session 2 with Richard Blackaby. Did I mention he rocks? Well HE ROCKS!!!!
  • Text: Ephesians 4:29-32 & Story of how many times do we forgive people between Peter and Jesus.
  • What is Grace? Is it unmerited favor? God has shown great GRACE towards me!
  • Why is it that so many Christians do not show grace to others, but expect grace from others. (Sure we love the grace that Jesus shows toward us and we love that grace has no limit, but wow if our spouse do something wrong or a church member hurts someone - where is our grace in those moments?
  • Is your home a home of grace? (I need to really work on this!)
  • So many Christians keep a file cabinet of past sins and hurt and when someone hurts them they drop the WHOLE FILE CABINET ON THEIR HEAD! They bring out sins from 20 years ago...its unbelievable!
  • Do we give GRACE as freely as we receive it from God?

God forgive me and I pray that my home would be a home of grace and that my life will be a life of Grace!

Next Session is tomorrow morning, I can't wait!!!

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