Friday, September 12, 2008

A word from a fellow pastor...

Perry Noble, the pastor of Newspring Church, wrote this in his blog. His blog is As I came across this blog I spent some time and truly wrestled with what he said. I think all pastors should take a minute and think about this blog. What do you all think?

Four Questions Every Church Should Wrestle With - Part Three

Last post on this from Romans 10:14-15,

#4 - “And how can they preach unless they are sent?”
Pardon me while I go “Rick Warren” and use an acrostic on this one! S-E-N-T stands for…

S = Set On Fire!!! Personal evangelism and inviting people to church MUST be regularly taught from the stage! People have GOT to know that lost people matter to God (Luke 19:10); therefore they MUST matter to the church!

E = Encouraged!!! Anytime you ask someone to invite people to church there is some excitement…but also discouragement because they begin thinking, “I’ve already asked them a hundred times and they won’t come!!!”

Encourage them…I always tell them that I am so glad that a guy named David didn’t give up on me! Ever more specifically…I am glad GOD didn’t give up one me!!!

For those of you at NewSpring getting “no’s” for this weekend–don’t give up!!! Sometimes it takes a while! It did for me!

N = Necessary!!! It is so necessary for a church to be obsessed with personal evangelism! Heck, if the early church had been a bunch of guys who loves theology more than Jesus and had decided to get in a room with people who only thought just like them and solely focused on the “finer points of theology…” Well, we’d have all gone to hell!!!

T = Tense!!! Christians must understand that when we step out into the world and begin to invite people to church…there are going to be tense conversations! AND…that’s OK! We must remember that it should not be our goal to win arguments and distance people…but to work through the tension and allow God to use us to break down walls that people have built up.

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